What is Next on the Road Map? A Conversation with the Baby Feg Team.
July 2, 2021, 8:01PM EST- Brooklyn, New York. In conversation with the team of the Baby Feg project, the team has announced the completion of their internal review of past and upcoming milestones. The review included the current status of the whitepaper, website, project branding, and social media strategy. This has helped the team put into perspective the current trajectory of the project and prioritize listings and exchanges to build growth and continue excelling into the long-term.
Recently, the team has invested a small portion of the marketing wallet into completing a Techrate audit. The Baby Feg project, or $BFG, passed the Techrate audit and was well worth the $2,500.00 the team invested towards providing a thorough review of the project code.
In addition to Techrate, the Baby Feg project has also been added onto the Stocktwits website at: https://stocktwits.com/symbol/BFG.X.
In review of the current quarter, Q3, the whitepaper, website, branding, and social media project have progressed past completion and into a more developed stage where social media branding will now begin to focus on larger influencers. Ahead of schedule, the Baby Feg project has already kept their Q4 promises, for listing on CoinGecko and getting their logo and additional project information on Trust Wallet.
After the team lists on CoinMarketCap they have ambitious goals for the future, that the team has outlined in edits that are in review for an updated Whitepaper. The coming of CoinMarketCap and the progression of the projects towards this goal will be a test for the Baby Feg community, in which we are sure they will rise to the occasion for.
Continuing on an upward progression, the team has committed to a CoinMarketCap listing in the very near future.